Understanding the Main Menu

In this Article: 

This article will help new users to the Hellotracks software environment. It is meant to explain - at a bird's eye level - how to optimally use your Hellotracks Business Account. 


In the 'Dashboard', you get an overall view of what is happening with your team and activities during your workday. The 'Dashboard' aims to give you all the information you need without having to jump into every single feature to find it. 

In the 'Dashboard', you can see the most recent team activities:

  • Total of members that are on the way (currently moving), idling or halted.   
  • Distance covered so far, the total of tracks (trips) registered and the total of members that have registered a track.  
  • Performance percentage: successful jobs over the total jobs assigned, successful jobs and reported issues.  
  • Engagement percentage: the total of reported jobs (success/issue) over the total jobs assigned.  
  • On-time jobs and delayed jobs. 

2.0 MAP 

The  'Map' section allows you to see all of your team members on the map, along with jobs, places, zones, and tracks. Remember you can find all this information by using the filters on the right upper corner! 

In the  'Map' section, click on the right top Menu to: 

  • Change the type of map 
  • Hide or show map layers, such as traffic, places, and zones.  
  • Change visibility of the jobs pinpoints, i.e. chose to see different color pinpoints by jobs status or by job assignee.  
  • Filter the members you want to see on the map.  
  • Select one or multiple tracks to see on the map.  
  • Locate a specific member on the map.  
  • Choose your preferred map provider, i.e. Google Maps or Mapbox. 

Note* In the 'Map' section, you can choose if you want to use Google Maps or our Default Map (Mapbox) through the Map provider option in the Menu.

3.0 JOBS

In the 'Jobs' section, you can create, import, manage and edit your Jobs! 


In 'Dispatch', you can view each member's assigned jobs and follow their progress in real-time. 
From 'Dispatch', you can also auto-assign multiple jobs at once and create recurrent sequences of jobs for a recurrent and automatic assignation. 

Note* You need to have created Jobs already to see these in the dispatch feature. You can also manually create Jobs in the 'Dispatch' section.

Note* The 'Dispatch' feature is one of the more in-depth features to understand in Hellotracks. We recommend you look in Knowledge Base - Web to get a more in-depth understanding of how to best utilize this feature. 


In 'Messages', you can send and receive messages to and from your entire field staff. 


In 'Reports', you can export reports with mileage historical data, jobs completed, timesheet and more. 


In 'Tracks', you can see the key information on how your teams and members complete their Jobs.

Note* The 'Tracks' feature is one of the more in-depth features to understand in Hellotracks. We recommend you look in Knowledge Base - Web to get a more in-depth understanding of how to best utilize this feature. 

8.0 TEAM

In 'Team', you can manage your team and access relevant real-time data.

Note* Remember you can always check the credentials, just click on the member’s name and click on the 'Open' button to confirm or edit the credentials. On the member's profile is always possible to edit profile name, password and contact email address.  


In  'Places', you can create, manage and import places. 

10.0 ZONES

In ' Zones', you can create, manage and import zones. 

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